Saturday, March 14, 2009

You have got to read this- well, not really.

I'm pretty sure I need this.  Not the blog per se, but the reason for the blog- reading the book of Mark.  I've been working through the process of sorting out some life decisions. Having grown tired of hearing my usual analyzing of the situation, my wife offered up this thought- "If you really want to know what God has to say to you, you're going to have to spend more time in the word.  That's where he reveals himself more than anywhere else.  You can't expect to hear much if you're not seeking him out to start with."  Fair enough.  

I shared this with my friend Jake and, despite being my friend more than my wife's, he sided with her.  He offered the suggestion of us working through a book together, and I liked the idea.  The blogging is mostly in response to his already having a blog for something similar.

So, that pretty much sums up why I'm blogging.  Despite my love of writing (and my gut feeling that I could be published if I would only try) I find it hard to write anything that might be made public because it seems somewhat egotistical- the notion that others should or would want to read what I have to say.  Nonetheless, here we are. 

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